What is the cost to migrate Prestashop 1.7 to 8.0?

The price of migrating a Prestashop store from version 1.7 to 8.0 may depend on many factors, such as:

  • Store size and number of products: The larger the store, the more complex and time-consuming the migration will be
  • Complexity of the theme: If the store has a complex and non-standard theme, the migration can be more complicated
  • Number and complexity of modules used: The more modules you use and the more complex they are, the more complex the migration will be
  • Required customizations: If you have customizations specific to your store, such as code modifications or customizations in the database, migration can be more time consuming and costly.
  • System and plugin version: If your store uses older versions of the Prestashop system or plugins that are not compatible with the new version, you may need to rewrite the code or templates
  • Scope of services: The cost of migration may also depend on the range of services the migration company offers, such as whether the price includes plugin customizations or just basic migration work.
  • Please note that each store is different and the cost of migration may vary depending on its specifics. It is worth paying attention to these factors and carefully estimating the costs before starting the migration.

However, you can estimate the cost of migrating your store based on requirements and factors specific to your store. Therefore, I invite you to contact me and based on the information obtained from you, we will be able to estimate the costs based on your requirements and specifications.

Sample migration costs may range from a few thousand zlotys to several thousand zlotys or more, depending on the complexity of the store and the number of adjustments needed to carry out the migration.

Estimated costs of migrating Prestashop 1.7 to 8.0

  • Work of a consultant or programmer: The rate per hour of work can range from PLN 140 to PLN 300 or more depending on the specialist’s experience and skills.
  • Preparing the environment: Preparing the environment for migration, such as installing Prestashop 8.0, can take anywhere from a few hours to one business day.
  • Database Migration: Migrating a database from one Prestashop version to another can take anywhere from a few hours to a few business days, depending on the quantity of products and orders.
  • Theme customization: Adapting the store template to the new Prestashop version can take from a few hours to a few business days, depending on the complexity of the template and the amount of functions / blocks / views implemented.
  • Modules customization: Adapting modules to the new version of Prestashop can take anywhere from a few hours to a few business days, depending on the complexity of the modules.

To sum up, the cost of migrating a Prestashop store from version 1.7 to 8.0 can range from a few thousand zlotys to several thousand zlotys or more, depending on the requirements specific to your store. It is worth remembering that the exact price depends on the individual requirements of each store and it is best to consult us for an accurate quote.

Jak wyłączyć edytor treści gutenberg dla Wordpress 5
How may I restore the classic content editor in WordPress 5+?

In WordPress version above 5.0 we will experience a new content editor (gutenberg). If you want it, you can easily go back to the previous one by adding the appropriate code in the functions.php file of your theme. Just go and edit the file on your server: /wp-content/themes/name_of_your_theme/functions.php and add the following code:

if ( version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '5.0-beta', '>') ) {
    // WP > 5 beta
    add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post_type', '__return_false', 100 );
} else {
    // WP < 5 beta
    add_filter( 'gutenberg_can_edit_post_type', '__return_false' );

Voilà 🙂

Ile kosztuje Prestashop?
How much does Prestashop cost?

It is true that the Prestashop online store is free. However, not everyone has skills to configure / install / implement, therefore there are specialists from the branch who will do all of the above for you. Below in a few simple points I will try to describe all the necessary costs associated with launching an own online store based on the Prestashop version 1.7 engine.

Why do you need a specialist like me?

The necessary steps that must be performed when starting your own store will be:

  • Installation and configuration of the store on the selected server
  • Installation of the template and its adaptation to the client’s needs or implementation of the author’s graphic design referring to the logo / mark / brand
  • Turnkey installation of Prestashop along with all elements of template graphics / shipments / payment methods and all other necessary elements during the sales process
  • Import of products / categories / photos provided by the customer
  • Installation and configuration of additional modules that are not in the Prestashop standard
  • Final store optimization to get the highest possible rating from PageSpeed Insights to make the store SEO friendly
  • Training in store operation and support

Installation and configuration of Prestashop – how much does it cost?

The basic price of installation and configuration of the Prestashop store on the server along with its configuration should not exceed EUR 120 net. The term “installation and configuration” should be understood as launching the store under the indicated Internet domain and the indicated server with the appropriate configuration that will allow the customer to sell in the standard Prestashop template.

How much does the original graphic design cost and how much does cost the prepared Prestashop template?

Prices of graphic designs and their implementation may vary depending on the progress of the project. Usually the cost of preparing a home page design by an experienced graphic designer is between 160 and 350 EUR net. However, if the customer requires refining the detailed appearance of the shop’s subpages and the mobile version, an additional EUR 50-80 net should be added for the design of each subpage.

There is an additional cost except for the above mentioned prices of implementing the project to the Prestashop standard. In this case, the price also depends on the advancement (from 220 – 400 EUR net) and the price for each subpage (from 50 – 80 EUR net)

Is the implementation of the ready Prestashop template more profitable?

Theoretically, this is because the client delivers the prepared ready template from portals of type templatemonster.com and the task of the programmer is to implement / configure and adjust its graphic to the client’s needs and eventually to implement necessary corrections. This solution is cheaper, however you must be aware that using the ready template, there is nothing to delude yourself that the design of your store will be individual. In this version, to the cost of the template should be added from 200 – 400 EUR net of implementation costs together with template corrections / adaptation to the needs and creation.

Importing products to Prestashop – how much does it cost?

If you own a database of your products / photos / categories / features or attributes – the programmer can properly prepare data for Prestashop import to facilitate the tedious introduction of products step by step and automate this process by importing them to your store. Usually, this process is evaluated individually and depends on the form in which the customer provides data. The standard price for importing products in this case will be EUR 35 net / hour of programmer’s work, but if you need the price for importing of 100 products, I think you can accept the range: from EUR 15 – EUR 650 net for 100 imported products.The ranges are given quite generally because, as described above, they depend on the format of the provided data. The format more similar to the Prestashop standard, the easier it is for the programmer.

The price of installing and configuring Prestashop modules

The Prestashop store is built modularly that is its great advantage if you need to use a non-standard solution / integration, etc. In the Internet there are a lot of modules (paid and free) that you can use to add new functionality to your store. The cost of installing and configuring the module should be within the range: from 15 – 70 EUR net + eventual price of the module. The price depends on the module’s advancement and on the time spent on its implementation. If you did not find the module for your store and you have a non-standard idea for functionality / implementation or integration – contact me and I will help you write your own module.

Prestashop optimization – price

The price of Prestashop optimization can be quite varied. Sometimes in the case of stores that do not have many additional custom solutions, it is enough to run several additional configuration options responsible for minifying css, javascript and cache files. In the case of larger stores with non-standard solutions, additional plugins and template modifications are often required to set good optimization. The optimization price in this case may be very different from EUR 55 – 450 net.

Summary of the costs of your own Prestashop store

As you can see, the price of launching your own Prestashop store can vary a lot. However, if you are planning to launch a simple store at the beginning, you should close at 1500 EUR net including a domain and server paid for a year. In the case of a larger store with a lot of non-standard solutions, additional integrations, modules, the final price can be even as much as EUR 5000 net.

Evaluate your own online store by submitting an offer inquiry in the form below

    Upgrade Prestashop 1.6 to 1.7 price
    Update Prestashop 1.6 to 1.7 – price / price list

    Prestashop upgrade to a newer version is usually a complicated process due to the fact that the shop’s contractor could apply many non-standard modifications / changes to the template or modules that could have been made in the wrong way for the Prestashop standard. In the case of the migration of the Prestashop from version 1.6 to 1.7, we should take into account that the latest version has many changes affecting the profound changes in the store template and modules. Usually during the renovation, the store template needs to be reconstructed quite thoroughly or the purchase of a new template adapted to version 1.7 should be considered.

    When performing an update, it is important to do the following:

    • Making a backup copy
    • Cleans the database from part of the statistics (eg connections, browser, guests, etc.)
    • Update store to the latest version of PrestaShop
    • Applying changes to the template or starting the default
    • Configurations and updates of basic modules and making necessary changes for version 1.7 in modules that are not adapted to it
    • Introduction of dedicated shop modifications / changes (if they were previously used)
    • Checking the correctness of store operation after the update

    Prestashop upgrade (price)

    The price of the Prestashop update depends on many factors affecting the time of performing the updates described above. Estimated prices of the Prestashop update can range from PLN 1200 net to PLN 3200 net, depending on the size of the store and the number of modifications necessary to carry out.

    If you are interested in updating your online store – I invite you to contact me. In order to perform the valuation, it will be necessary to provide data to your administrative panel and ftp server (to perform the valuation analysis).

    Admin panel for Symfony from Sonata Bundle

    If you are looking for a quick solution for the administration panel for the Symfony framework, then I recommend you Sonata Admin Bundle. It is an administrative system in which you can easily build facilities for your project. In addition to the bundle of the administration panel, Stanta also provides other bundles such as: Block Bundle, Page Bundle (text pages), Newsl Blundle (news), Media Bundle (media management), Seo Bundle, Ecommerce (online store), Classification Bundle (categorization).

    Installation and configuration of Sonata Admin Bundle for Symfony 4.

    1. Installation bundle form console:
    composer require sonata-project/admin-bundle

    2. Install one of the following Bundles for doctrinal management:

    The standard is:

    composer require sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle

    3. Go to the file configuration file: (config / bundles.php) and add the following entries:

    // config/bundles.php
    return [
        // ...
        Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\SecurityBundle::class => ['all' => true],
        Sonata\CoreBundle\SonataCoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
        Sonata\BlockBundle\SonataBlockBundle::class => ['all' => true],
        Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true],
        Sonata\AdminBundle\SonataAdminBundle::class => ['all' => true],

    4. Create a file for routing in the location: (/ config / routes /) with the name: sonata_admin.yaml and the following content:

        resource: "@SonataAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/sonata_admin.xml"
        prefix: /admin
        resource: .
        type: sonata_admin
        prefix: /admin

    5. Create a configuration file (Yaml) bundle in the location: (config / packages) named: sonata_admin.yaml with the following content. In the configuration file you will be able to manage the panel’s appearance (see documentation).

        title: 'Your Sonata Admin'
                contexts: [admin]

    6. At the end, follow the instructions below to clear the cache and install Assetic resources:

    php bin/console cache:clear
    php bin/console assets:install

    Wonderfoul! Your adminpanel should be visible after starting the address: http://your_url/admin.

    Fave fun!

    Prestashop module - Optimize your Google Analytics module
    “Use your browser cache” for the Google Analytics module in Prestashop

    If you are struggling with the optimization problem of Prestashop for Google PageSpeed Insights for the Google Analytics module (JavaScript) loaded from Google servers, I have a solution for you – the Prestashop Module!

    The problem is that the ganalytics module loads the content of scripts directly from Google servers that we can not keep in the cache. In this case, we must set the HTTP headers for these files (Expires), which should be on our server and be kept for some time in the client’s browser cache. The best way to add the Expires headers is to add the following code to the .htaccess file in the main directory of your Prestashop:

        ExpiresActive On
        ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
        ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
        ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
        ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week"
        ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 week"
        ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 week"
        ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 1 week"
        ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType image/svg+xml "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType image/vnd.microsoft.icon "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType application/font-woff "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType application/vnd.ms-fontobject "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType font/opentype "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType font/ttf "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType font/otf "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType application/x-font-ttf "access plus 1 year"
        ExpiresByType application/x-font-otf "access plus 1 year"

    Adding the above Expires headers will improve the PageSpeed Insights result in the test but it still does not solve the problem. To fully support the Google Analytics file from my own server, install my module which you can download below:


    How it works?

    Moduł do optymalizacji sklepu Prestashop dla Google Page Speed

    The module clipartoptimizegoogleanalytics (Optymize Google Analytics) overwrites the functions of the original ganalytics module (Google Analytics for Prestashop) in such a way that the script does not download the content of JavaScript files from external sources. The module has a tool that should be set in the task schedule (cron) so that JavaScipt files are downloaded and updated on the server.

    Installation guide

    STEP1: Install the module with the standard tool for adding Prestashop modules: Modules and services -> Add a new module and then “Install”

    STEP 2: Go to the module configuration and copy the generated URL to the CRON tool which should be called cyclically once a day. The url should be pasted into the hosting panel in the Task Scheduler (Cron) tool. Below is an example for the Ajenti panel:


    Prestashop logo
    Nowa wersja Prestashop 1.7.2

    Nowa aktualizacja sklepu Prestashop która zawiera wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek.

    Lista nowych (najważniejszych) funkcji w nowej wersji sklepu:

    • Nowy interfejs zarządzania zapasami, by móc śledzić ruchy magazynowe.
    • Zaktualizowana strona Tłumaczenia, z zoptymalizowanym kodem.
    • Lepsza czytelność szablonu Classic oraz podwyższona optymalizacje dzięki której sklepy ładują się szybciej.
    • Nowoczesne mechanizmy (hook) na stronach sklepu i w szablonie domyślnym.
    • Nowe zestawy lokalizacyjne
    • Nowe języki instalatora
    • Oraz inne użyteczne poprawki!